Project Timeline & History
30% design is now complete and project staff are proceeding toward 60% through 2024 with a goal of 100% design in 2026 and construction from 2027-2029. There are multiple concurrent planning efforts underway within downtown Columbus that require coordination between the City of Columbus, COTA, MORPC and downtown stakeholders. We envision integrated rapid transit that gives residents access to jobs, education, thriving business communities and the city’s vibrant culture. With nearly 3.14 million residents expected in our region by 2050, now is the time to reimagine how we can move faster, safer and smarter.
In July 2021, the COTA Board of Trustees adopted three Locally Preferred Alternatives (LPAs), voting to move the East Main Street and West Broad Street BRT Corridors into the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Capital Investment Grants (CIG) program process. Learn more about the East Main LPA here. LinkUS gained insights from the community and made initial plans for the project.
The LinkUS public engagement process supports the technical analysis of these projects through stakeholder and public engagement to gather feedback and insight from the community. These community insights are used to help develop a 30% design for the East Main and West Broad Street BRT Corridors.
Our project team met with hundreds of residents to learn more about what enhancements to mobility and transit can look like in central Ohio neighborhoods. From virtual meetings to community festivals and a bike-a-long event, LinkUS reached more than 10,000 residents and businesses to spread the word about the West Broad and East Main Street BRT Corridors.
The East Main Street BRT Corridor was accepted into the Federal Transit Authority (FTA) Capital Investment Grant (CIG) program, which is the main federal funding source for large transit projects.
30% design is now complete and project staff are proceeding toward 60% through 2024. Project staff are planning for business meetings, community events and pop-ups this summer in your community to share the latest project updates. Keep an eye out for upcoming East Main engagement opportunities in 2024 by signing up for the LinkUS newsletter >