green line

The Northwest Corridor is one of central Ohio’s most critical transportation connections, linking major institutional and employment centers including The Ohio State University, the Ohio Health hospital campus, Grandview Yard, Downtown and the Arena District.

It is also one of the most physically complex corridors studied in Corridor Concepts. It includes two major interchange areas (the “Knots”) that present significant challenges to north-south through movement, and is physically constrained by the Olentangy River, the CSX railroad, and the highway.

Areas within the corridor, as well as in surrounding jurisdictions that rely on the Northwest Corridor for commuter access to and from Columbus, have experienced substantial new development in recent years, creating increased demand on mobility needs in the corridor.

Locally Preferred Alternative Report

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Corridor Snapshot

5 of Columbus’ largest sports and entertainment venues

3 of Central Ohio’s largest employment hubs

30% of all jobs in Franklin County are in this corridor

260k+ jobs served including Downtown Columbus

106+ acres of near-term redevelopment potential

4M+ annual visitors to Central Ohio

The Locally Preferred Alternative

From Downtown Columbus to the Ohio University Campus area in Dublin

A Locally Preferred Alternative, or LPA, is a term used by the Federal Transit Administration. It represents the region’s intention for transit along a proposed corridor. To be competitive against other cites for limited federal funds, an LPA should include the beginning and end-points, mode of travel, station locations and other details about services and potential costs. The Federal Transit Administration asks local communities to select a Locally Preferred Alternative that details the mode, alignment, guideway and stations that best fit the needs and context of the community. This is an important step in pursuing needed federal funds to pay a portion of engineering and/or construction costs. The Locally Preferred Alternative for the Northwest Corridor builds on all engagement, planning and technical analysis to date and spans from Downtown Columbus to the Ohio University Campus area in Dublin as indicated on the map (left).

Additional Planning Documents

The Northwest Corridor Foundations Report showcases the need and vision for the corridor by exhibiting current conditions, trends and other planning efforts relevant to the corridor.

This report outlines a vision for a new rapid transit line along Olentangy River Road, which would connect downtown through The Ohio State University campus and north to Bethel Road.

Corridor Acknowledgements

This effort is being led by the City of Columbus in partnership with the Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA), the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC), and The Ohio State University. Additional funding partners supported the original Transportation Study including Nationwide Realty Investors, Franklin County, OhioHealth, and the Columbus Downtown Development Corporation, and other public and private funders.