LinkUS continues its work to move this region forward with bringing rapid transit solutions and mobility options to the region. Recent recommendations from the LinkUS Executive and Steering committees are already moving forward as we drive toward world-class mobility and transit options for Central Ohio.

Work in the corridors continues. East Main Street Corridor, West Broad Street Corridor and Northwest Corridor planning and design teams are working with the community to finalize routes and move toward submission to the federal government. At the same time, legislative changes to help bring rapid transit to our region were approved by the Ohio House and Senate on May 18, 2022 and MORPC is working with COTA service area local governments to create the Transit Supportive Infrastructure Committee, which will create a capital improvement plan to prioritize the sidewalk, bikeways, trails, and roadway projects to implement LinkUS.

A regional equitable transit-oriented development strategy is underway as public and private partners work to move this forward. Community engagement, involvement and outreach is ongoing as we continue to work and connect with regional civic, business, and community leaders.

Annual audits and public committees composed of government, business and community leaders will ensure strong accountability and oversight of LinkUS.

The LinkUS partners look forward to continuing this important work in partnership with community members throughout the region.

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