How does LinkUS work?

LinkUS will make historic transportation investments to expand public transportation services, sidewalks, bikeways, trails and other mobility options throughout our region. These mobility investments will encourage equitable job and residential growth through development that makes it easier to choose walking, biking or taking transit.

Why do we need LinkUS?

LinkUS will help to address growth, affordability and opportunity gaps in our community. Central Ohio is one of the fastest growing regions in the country and will add more than 800,000 people by 2050. LinkUS will drive sustainable growth patterns close to transit, protect open space and farmland and limit traffic impacts for residents throughout Central Ohio. LinkUS will make it easier for residents to access jobs, housing, healthcare and recreation, and it will support more affordable transportation and housing options.

How is LinkUS funded?

Considering the economic climate and the reality of rising prices for gas, housing, food and more, LinkUS partners understand the financial strain these factors are currently putting on our community. We are working to balance this reality with the need to support the community’s desire for enhanced transit and mobility options for all. Funding considerations are a high priority. Collaboration is necessary. It will require public, private, grants and sales tax for us to realize this vision.

Funding for LinkUS programming and infrastructure is needed now and into the future. LinkUS continues to move forward toward bringing rapid transit mobility options to our region.

Who is leading LinkUS?

The City of Columbus, COTA, Franklin County and the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) are the primary implementing agencies. All governments within the COTA service area are part of the planning process and play an important role in the implementation of LinkUS.

What is Rapid Transit?

Rapid Transit is an advanced high-quality transit system that delivers fast and efficient service that may include dedicated lanes, busways, traffic signal priority, off-board fare collection, elevated platforms and enhanced stations. Rapid transit implemented as part of the LinkUS initiative should include a suite of features that provide a premium level of service and quality of experience to riders. Learn more here.


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