Numerous recent and on-going initiatives have important implications for corridor development and mobility improvements. Success of the LinkUS initiative depends on a close alignment of policies, strategies and investments related to transportation infrastructure, land use, housing, economic development, and sustainability.
Foundational Work
This 2014 effort, led by MORPC in partnership with ULI, Columbus, COTA and others, considered alternative regional growth patterns in light of anticipated population growth trends. The focused growth alternative was the consensus choice with its potential to accommodate growth in a cost-effective, efficient, and sustainable manner.
Insight2050 Corridor Concepts
This study, which concluded in 2019, was undertaken by the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission in cooperation with ULI, Columbus, COTA and other partners. The effort considered infill development and the use of advanced rapid transit for five corridors that served as models for the region. The study recommends mixed-use zoning districts to coincide with such corridors. Columbus is working with partners on appropriate next steps regarding a potential transit system. The study recommends higher-density, mixed use development along corridors, particularly in proximity to stop locations.
Transportation and Mobility
COTA Short Range / Long Range Transit Plans
COTA is currently undertaking updates to both its Short and Long Range Transit Plans. The STRP includes improvements to transit service, capital investments and COTA’s portion of the regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The plan also provides a plan for current and future use of local, state and federal funds.
Connect Columbus / Multimodal Thoroughfare Plan
This is a multi-year transportation planning effort aimed at updating the City’s policies, procedures and roadway design guidelines with the goal of creating a sustainable, 21st Century multimodal transportation system. In 2019, the first phase of deliverables was advanced, including a draft Transportation Policy Framework and the updated Multimodal Thoroughfare Plan (MMTP). The MMTP provides an initial expectation of needed rights-of-way to accommodate future multimodal transportation improvements throughout the City’s street network, including potential high capacity transit corridors.
2020-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan
Prepared by MORPC, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, the (MTP) is a long-range planning document that identifies transportation deficiencies, policies, strategies, and projects over the next two decades. The MTP makes the greater Columbus region eligible to receive a large amount of federal transportation funding to improve, maintain, and operate highways, public transit, bikeways, sidewalks, and related facilities.
Mobility Innovation Tests
This partnership between Columbus and COTA involves a series of low-cost, temporary changes to streets, demonstrating how transit service can be improved. An immediate focus is the reallocation of street right-of-way to create dedicated transit lanes. The first test was implemented on 3rd Street in downtown and involved creating a shared bus/bike/scooter lane.
JET Task Force – Loop Road Supplement
This 2015 study built on the broader Jet Task Force effort to enhance and leverage John Glenn International Airport as an economic and transportation hub. It considered optional rail modes and routes to connect downtown and the airport. A preferred alternative was selected (light rail) with a projected cost range of $450 to $600 million. A line extension was also considered to serve areas beyond the airport, such as Easton and the SR 161/Hamilton Road area. The study was managed by Columbus in partnership with CRAA, COTA, and MORPC.
Housing and Development
Columbus Citywide Planning Policies
Columbus Citywide Planning Policies (C2P2) serve as a framework for neighborhood planning and development review. Based on best practices and policies developed by the City of Columbus over 20+ years of area and neighborhood planning. It includes guiding principles, design guidelines, land use policies, and land use plans for individual areas. Regular updates are planned to ensure currency.
Regional Housing Strategy
The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) is working with partners to develop a housing plan for the region. A consultant team led by Enterprise Community Partners is managing the plan process, which is slated for completion by fall 2020. The plan will consider regional housing needs through 2050, with specific attention to the needs of lower income residents, and it will recommend strategies to encourage development of affordable units.